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Tonamel Glossary

### Entry This function is required for entering tournaments. By entering a tournament, you are expressing your desire to participate in the tournament. ### check-in Check-in is done to confirm presence and participation at the tournament when enabled by the organizer. ### Participant Procedure Participants are people who have entered the tournament or are listed in the tournament bracket. ### Organizer The party in charge of hosting the tournament. This refers to the group of individuals managing the tournament. ### Organization Organizers are people responsible for managing and creating tournaments. Among organizers, there is one leader and other managing members. ### Leader The leader is the person whose account created the host organization. ### Managers Managers are people other than the leader who assist in managing tournaments hosted by the organization ### Result Reporting Result Reporting is the process by which match outcomes are recorded to progress the tournament.([Click here for "Organizer Result Reporting"](/help/tutorial-for-organizing), [Click here for "Participant Result Reporting](/help/tutorial-tournament-day) Please click the links for more information) ### BYE A BYE is a situation in which a participant does not have an opponent.