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Approving and Rejecting Sponsorship Applications

You will receive a notification when you have a new sponsorship application. If you have opted into push notifications, you will also receive a notification on your device. To learn how to set up push notifications, please refer to [Push Notification Settings](/help/setting-push-notifications). ## Approving Sponsorship Applications When you approve a sponsorship application, the sponsor's details will be published on the tournament page. Sponsorship applications must be approved within seven days of being submitted. If an application is not approved by the deadline, it will be automatically rejected. The procedure for approving a sponsorship application is as follows. 1. While logged in, access []( 2. Select a tournament. 3. Click "Sponsors" in the menu. 4. Choose the application you wish to approve from the list of pending applications. 5. Click "Approve Application". 6. When the dialogue box appears, click "Approve". Applicants will receive a push notification after their sponsorship application is approved. After you have approved a sponsorship application, you will be unable to receive further sponsorship applications from the same account for that tournament. ## Rejecting Sponsor Applications Applications will be automatically rejected if an application is not approved within seven days of being submitted. You can also manually reject a sponsorship application before the deadline by following the steps below. 1. While logged in, access []( 2. Select a tournament. 3. Click "Sponsors" in the menu. 4. Choose the application you wish to reject from the list of pending applications. 5. Click "Reject Application". 6. You can choose to give the reason for rejecting the application in the message to the applicant, and then click "Reject". Applicants will receive a push notification when their sponsorship application has been rejected. After rejecting an application, the rejected account will still be able to apply again. Rejecting an application will make you ineligible to receive the pledged amount.