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Canceling Sponsorships and Refunds

It is possible to remove a sponsor after accepting a sponsorship application. The sponsor will no longer appear on the tournament page. The procedure for removing a sponsor is as follows. 1. While logged in, access []( 2. Select a tournament. 3. Click "Sponsors" in the menu. 4. Click "View Sponsors". 5. Select the sponsor who you wish to remove. 6. After the dialogue box containing the sponsor's details appears, click "Remove Sponsorship". 7. You can choose to send a message to the sponsor, and then click "Remove Sponsorship". If you remove a sponsorship, the pledge can be refunded if the following conditions are met. A refund will be issued in the following cases: - If the sponsorship is canceled by the organizer after the sponsorship is approved but before the amount is transferred. Refunds will not be issued in the following cases: - If the sponsorship is canceled by the organizer after the sponsorship is approved and the amount is transferred. - If the sponsor cancels their sponsorship after their application has been approved. In the following cases, the sponsor will not have made any payment yet, so the organizer will not be responsible for a refund: - If the application is canceled by the sponsor before it is approved. - If the organizer rejects the sponsorship application. - If the approval deadline of seven days has passed without the organizer approving the sponsorship application. It is not possible to issue a refund without canceling the sponsorship.